How To Automatically Add Affiliate Links To WordPress or bbPress Posts

I’ve been working on a WordPress site with bbPress installed (well, BuddyBoss to be precise) & one of the requests was for all of the links posted in the bbPress forum to automatically turn to affiliate links. Is it possible? You betcha… In fact, I’ve actually done it before on another site in the past …

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How To Prevent “Normal Users” From Accessing /wp-admin/

For some installations of WordPress you might want to prevent “normal users” (non-admins) from getting access to the /wp-admin/ directory… For example in a BuddyPress or BuddyBoss installation. There’s no reason for them to be there, and so for added security, it’s best not to give them access. But how do you do it? Well, …

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How To Disable Nickname (or any name) Changes In WordPress & BuddyPress

I recently started using BuddyPress, well BuddyBoss actually to be precise & I noticed that oddly, there is no way to disable users from changing their names or nicknames (display names). I mean I get it… People like to have the freedom to change their nicknames on websites & many social media sites do indeed …

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